
Menyediakan jasa hukum sehubungan dengan permasalahan-permasalahan hukum dalam ruang lingkup kehutanan, antara lain, izin-izin pengelolaan kehutanan termasuk permasalahannya seperti misal kelengkapan-kelengkapan dokumen (izin Pemanfaatan kayu, surat keterangan sahnya hasil hutan, Provisi Sumber Daya Hutan/Dana Reboisasi (PSDH/DR), daftar pengangkut pengganti dan lain-lain), namun tidak terbatas dalam hal forest resources ;

Forestry and Plantations

To provide services in legal matters within the scope of forestry, among others, the permits of forestry management and other issues such as the completeness of documents at hand (such as permits of wood utilization, legal documentations of forest products, Forest Resource Provision (PSDH) or Reforestation Funds (DR), and an alternative list of transportation).


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