Tanah dan Bangunan

Memberikan pelayanan jasa hukum dalam kaitannya dengan permasalahan hukum di bidang pertanahan, sengketa pertanahan, termasuk pengurusan sertifikat namun tidak terbatas pada Sertifikat Hak Milik (SHM), Hak Guna Usaha (SHGU), Hak Guna Bangunan (SHGB), Hak Pakai (SHP), pembebasan tanah, pembuatan perjanjian sewa-menyewa tanah, menyiapkan dokumen-dokumen terkait dengan perusahaan property, pengembang perumahan, real estate, apartement, condominium dan atau rumah susun;

Land and building

INS Attorney at Law provide services in legal matters in the field of land, land disputes, including the arrangement of land certificates, such as Certificate of Ownership (SHM), Certificate of Leasehold (SHGU), Certificate of Building Rights (HGB), Certificate of Rights to Use (SHP). We also provide legal services on issues such as land acquisition, the making of land-leasing agreements, and the preparation of documents related to property companies and the developers of residences, real estates, apartments, and condominiums.


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